BTA Tecnologie
BTA Tecnologie operates in the field of manufacturing compressors and GAIM equipment, accessories, and in their maintenance and repair.
Production has focused on the industry sector in general, leading over the years to the selection of components and design criteria that have allowed us to reach the current line of products,
characterized by simplicity and high operational reliability with operating costs among the lowest in the market.
BTA Tecnologie is able to provide qualified technical assistance for the maintenance and repair of both its compressors and equipment from other manufacturers.
We produce filtering systems for our technical gas compressors with residual oil in the compressed gas newly conforming to ISO 8573-2 parameters equal to 0.001 mg per m³ after 1000 hours of work and -0.003 mg per m³
after 2000 hours of work.
We create a series of components for our mixing and distribution systems dedicated to the sector.
We build new gas distribution systems, carry out existing expansion operations with PED 97/23 certification, ISO 9001-2015.
SV certification
Quality Management System
SV Certificate – No. 558-QMS-22 – Technical Gas Plant
Design, manufacturing, installation, and maintenance of industrial technical plants.
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